Tuesday, March 13, 2007



Autumn Storm said...

I deserve a tanned hide for this one, but it looked at first like wallpaper to me. :-) Enlarged however, it reminds me of a satelite image, not anything we have here, so possibly somewhere else. Nice one to follow the image before, both very interesting and impossible to say what they are. Enigmas both of them.

Trée said...

Ancient landing pads on a distant and remote moon servicing the local shipping population, quite an unruly clientele, especially with Big Cephelus lording over the local whoring trade and none the too happy with business of late. :-D

That's what I see and I'm sticking to it. :-D

Autumn Storm said...

Bless #1. :-D

Trée said...

Lil' twilight, his main ho, and, to be fair, a technician turned artisan in the trade of warm commerce, charged twice the going rate and still made more money in tips than BC was earning off her keep. And there was the rub, no pun intended.

So one day, BC called Lil' into his office, the one overlooking the main pad, so he could keep an eye on local traffic. His desk faced the main window and he had Lil' sit on the sofa before him. She, for the occasion no less, wore illuminated destearian glass garments, which left nothing and everything to the imagination. :-D

Autumn Storm said...

See what you do! :-) I'm already thinking this is the story to come after The Story, except hoping as I am The Story is never-ending, they would have to run simultaneously - or this could be a short interlude, a mini-series. Again, bless #1, life, yes my life too, would be less without it.

Trée said...

Well, Lil' jingled over to BC's desk, reached into her incandescent pocket and tossed a credit chip onto his desk.

"What's this," he frowned.

"Pick it up." Lil' leaned over, her ample amplitude of creamy delectation pointing the way.



"Where did you get this?"

"A poor innocent little soul. Name is Trevor--an off worlder. Seems he was so discombobulated, he left it behind."

Trée said...

BC worked the chip between his fingers back and forth and forth and back, his eyes ablaze with a dull gleam just short of malicious, more akin to lust than greed; yet, with BC, where one began and the other ended no one could say, or perhaps no one had the gonads to say. Either way, to say he was a biomorph of lustful greed or greedful lust would be to state a fact known to all and to all agreed.

"Come round the desk Lil'. I think you need to show me the proper appreciation for taking such an instrument of unrighteous seduction from your weak and feckless hands. Do you have any idea how much trouble I'm about to save you?"

Lil' moved around the desk, her eyes dropping in sync with her knees. "BC, darlin', I'm gonna show you how much I appreciate your burdensome and ever faithful endeavors to always look out for my best interest."

BC let out an unwillful audible sigh as Lil' traced her perfectly manicured nails along the top of his thighs.