Sunday, March 04, 2007



Trée said...

This is an image used in the story, sans the writing. The original idea is that an insider, maybe Taren, slipped Von this note as to where they could find Mairi and therefore this would explain how Bravo was able to locate her (at the time I was playing with the idea that Taren would become a permanent part of the Bravo crew, a defector if you will, and this note would be the first clue as to his loyalties). For whatever reason, I decided to use just the image without the text, but when I saw this one this morning, a flood of pleasant memories came back and so I share it here with you. :-)

Autumn Storm said...


Anonymous said...

Wow, you're really good @ this!

I don't normally comment of "image only" sites, but this one caught me attention because of the title... "Trebuchet" - that is the font which I ALWAYS use, but I must say, I am really impressed with your blog ;)

Trée said...

Danette, thanks for the kind words. If you need some words, my other site has over 100,000 of them. :-D