Monday, March 12, 2007



Autumn Storm said...

Interesting image, that dragon-tail swirl design reminded me of a wedding cake, though why is unclear, it is unlike any wedding cake that I have seen, but it just looked like that thick icing to me that one sees thereupon (in this country at least).
Now the cakes the Danes would use for celebrations look much more fun in the unusual sense. Rings of almond marcipan stacked high and with small feathered crackers to decorate. Looks very festive.
End babble.

Good day ahead, x
And sweet dreams in the mean time. :-)

Trée said...

You know, I'm still not sure what I see in this image. A flat planet that at the edge drops off into space; a "carwash" for intergalactic ships; or Rog and Yul's wedding cake. :-D

Afternoon Sweetest. :-)

Autumn Storm said...

Rog and Yul are getting married??!!
I like the intergalactic carwash idea best.

Morning, honey. Hope today is a good day. Thinking of you and keeping my fingers crossed.