Friday, August 17, 2007



KellyNerd said...

I wish I was a pot smoker so I could sit back and relax enough to enjoy the beauty of this for five seconds.


Autumn Storm said...

Fan*tastic, agree with the comment above this one, phsychedelic, mesmerising and just plain gorgeous!

I could see it being used as a logo for a record label too, discs alternating, a continuous flow of music creating that flow of energy around it. :-)

runnerfrog said...

Oh! made me remember that great fourth album from Led Zeppelin, with the four symbols, this is like a perfect improvement of the symbol of John Paul Jones!

Trée said...

Kelly, thank you for those very kind words. You've earned two hugs and three squeezes. Sending peaceful karma your way this weekend. :-)

Trée said...

Sunshine, hope things are going well in Denmark. As always, your kind words are always much appreciated. :-)

Trée said...

Runnerfrog, I'm going to have to google that album cover now. Thanks for the kind words. Much appreciated.

Autumn Storm said...

Things are going very well, thank you. :-) Just missing you of course. Went to that concert I told you about yesterday, had such a brilliant time. I won't forget that evening in a hurry. :-) Hope you're halfway through a great weekend. xo

ej said...

I'm still relatively new to this blog thing, but I love the concept of your blog already.

Art lives in the world around us. Natural, Free, Innocent. I appreciate the unintentional art more than I do anything on canvas. Don't get me wrong though, Art itself whether it be drawn, molded or even written.

Art is beautiful.

keep em' coming...


Trée said...

Thanks EJ. In my own experience, if I try to do art, it sucks. If I just let the art happen, then sometimes, good things happen. Thanks for stopping by.