Thursday, February 12, 2009


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Anonymous said...

muy bacano

Ms Storm said...

This image brings immediate recognition and more precisely the title, title and image poem aside travel a route along a scene from The Passion of New Eve, of nipples dusted with purple glitter, and I almost feel a need to apologize for the image that occurs in my mind, feeling like I am pulling it downstream, stripping it of class, its polish so to speak, but the image came to mind of painted nails, rainbow coloured nails gripping, playing like upon the keys of a piano, but with a very different instrument, but more than that, in the colour, in the movement, in the sensation, in the giving and receiving, in the act, the sensations considered merely bumped the physical, combining instead with the frame, the image as an image, to changes that occur in the mind, expanding consciousness, grounding awareness, the stripping away of all else...words fail anew, and so again in a word, two, Psychedelic, Evocative.