Sunday, February 08, 2009


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Ms Storm said...

It is amazing what a change in hue can do. The first made me think of flavour, zest, upon the tongue, I was reminded of an advertisement for Starburst sweets, not sure if you have them there, fruit flavored chewable sweets and in this advertisement whenever someone would pop one in their mouth, waves of flavour would rush over them, a starburst of fruity goodness :-D, grape, image A was a blackcurrant Starburst. Mouthwatering. :-)
B, rain macs, grey, held together with hands in pockets, sky, grey, rain, grey, heavy, wind cold, heavy, waves, crashing, frothy, elements showing their might and beauty, and above all was the desire, despite the wind, despite the rain, despite the cold, because of them a great desire to be there, to be soaked, to be cold, to be engulfed.

Ms Storm said...

C is more solid, here those jagged edges are not moving but steady, and it brought forth visions of underground caves.