Friday, August 04, 2006

185 and 186


Trée said...

Original version and extreme zoom. The one on DT is somewhere between these two.

Anonymous said...

:-) and again, ohmygosh. Lol, too much, too good rather, if that is possible - and yes, I know you will reply that you are still learning, but if that's the case, once you do finally 'learn', this stuff will have to come with warning stickers.
Seriously, not that the above wasn't serious/honest, this is so very good. Such an interesting face he has, young Kieran, with that long regal nose and middle parted hair. Nice eyes too, lovely colour, not sure about the expression, contemplative perhaps would be my guess, but there's something else there. I think regal covers it best.
Wow me again soon, x

Trée said...

With Kieran I wanted to somehow portray his intellectual bearing and upper class background. So, to give you a peek behind his creation, I used, as reference, a female in the hope Kieran would have a softer look to his appearence. Plus, he has my eyes. :-D

I do so love your comments my sweetest. And I so do miss you when you are gone. :-)

Sweet Pea