Monday, January 12, 2009


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1 comment:

Autumn Storm said...

This image seems to come from the same place as the one above, how different they appear, lines that vary in depth, colours water, where the other was fire, am starting to wonder if I always see figures in the abstract for at first there were none and then there were two, so distinct everything else that I had seen up until that point faded into nothingness, no longer did it evoke thoughts of stinging (cold, scorpion) etc etc etc but instead two people, raised, to the angels perhaps, partners, what I mean to say by all of this is that your images are so evocative, fuelling thought upon thought, image upon image, an opening, heaven to earth, or simply a memory as adult of childhood, a couple sitting upon a bed, but then I thought of Mt Rushmore, not for what is depicted but for the monument, which then cleared into saints, protectors, guardians...fascinating image.