Saturday, February 16, 2008



Trée said...

Reach your hand into my basket. If you dare. No ma'am, that's not a snake. Yes ma'am, I'm happy to see you. :-D

Wamblings said...

The genie’s out of the bottle;
She ain’t never goin’ back.
She’s left that barren hovel
For a life on the fast track.

The genie’s found a new dream
And she’s chasing after it.
She’s tired of the old games
And of having to submit.

The genie can not settle
For the life she used to know;
Stagnation is a kind of death
And leaves no room to grow.

The genie wants a new life
Filled with love and happiness.
She longs to make it happen
Despite its elusiveness.


Autumn Storm said...

Too many glorious sights to take in at once, these however are something quite extraordinary. Musical, the movement and the changes, the intertwining and overlapping, stunning images.