Monday, October 08, 2007



Autumn Storm said...

Love this one too! Looks like the opposite of the one that went before, where the purple was so calm, drawing one in to the tiles first. Texture looked like tin foil had been wrapped around them haphazardly and that gorgeous purple light was shimmering across it, beautiful effect! To what lies behind second, very nice 3D effect and the light behind, the whole thing is just too wonderful!
This one is an explosion of light, exciting rather than peaceful. As a twosome they are awesome.
You definitely need to include these in that future showing. :-)
Fabulous, Mesmerising, Excellent, :-D, Love them!

indicaspecies said...

This picture is fascinating and gives an exciting feeling. It's as if a ball of cold fire that was restrained so far is going beyond control now. Fascinating.

Trée said...

Thank you Celine. I kinda liked this one too. :-)